The NWMO ARES Group is going to activate a travelers watch net for the pending winter storm. We have been asked to help with passing emergency traffic for motorists that may be stranded on the interstates and highways. As of now there are no formal net control operators or a formal net. They ask that you listen to the local repeaters and assist in any way that you can.
As of now the NWS issued a Winter Storm Warning until 0300 Monday, with heavy mixed precipitation of snow and sleet accumulations between 8 and 15 inches. Ice accumulations of up to one tenth of an inch.
A Blizzard warning was just issued for 0300 Sunday to 0300 Monday for winds gusting as high as 40 mph.
These warnings have been issued for all of our repeater area coverage areas.
The Northland ARES and Platte City ARES are also planning to activate. We are also discussing possible HF nets and the use for VaraAC along with APRS messaging to/from WD0SKY.
If you can listen and help out please do so. Posted 01/04/2025.
This Year's Christmas Party will be held on Thursday December 5th at San Jose Steakhouse 4015 South Belt Highway in St. Joseph beginning at 6:00 pm. As in years past club members and their guests will order from the menu and be responsible for their meal. We will also have the traditional "White Elephant" gift exchange. If you are a male please bring a gift for a male and the same for the females and have them labeled appropriately. Posted 11/10/2024.
KE0KUV Rick Foster became a silent key on August 14th, 2024. Cremation under the direction of Simplify Cremations and Funerals. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to a charity of the donor's choice in the name of Rick. Thanks Jim for the video! Posted 8/16/2024.
We had a good turn out for the club meeting. Topics covered were the upcoming Technician class and exam, assisting Benedictine College with start a student club, relocation of the DStar repeater, back up power for the station, ARDEN Mesh with KCMesh and KCHeart along with the upcoming officer elections. The next club meeting will be September 19th. Posted 8/16/2024.
We will be conducting an other FCC Amateur Radio Technician License class and exam on October 19th and 20th. The cost of the two day class is $50.00. This includes a book and exam fee. Students MUST have your FCC issued FRN number prior to the start of the class. Student must have their FRN # and a valid ID on the first day of the class. Saturday 10/19 class will start at 9am and end at 6pm (lunch will be on your own. The hospital cafeteria is close and will be open.) Sunday 10/20 class will start at 12:30pm and end at 5pm with testing to follow. Class size will be limited to 10 students. To register for the class use the button below. To pay for the class use the PayPal Donation Button on the club membership tab. Contact for more information. Posted 8/12/2024.
Thank you to the instructors for the class and the VE's for testing. We had a 100% pass rate! We are planning another Technician class and exam for later this fall. Posted 6/30/2024.
We had a good turn out for the meeting. A work day was planned for 6/22/24. Projects include running feed line. Installing two antennas and installing the DStar Repeater. Final preprations were made for the upcoming class and exam. After the meeting there was a presentation on Meshtastic. The next meeting is July 18th Posted 6/20/2024.
We will be conducting an FCC Amateur Radio Technician License class and exam on June 29th and 30th. The cost of the two day class is $50.00. This includes a book and exam fee. Students MUST have your FCC issued FRN number prior to the start of the class. Student must have their FRN # and a valid ID on the first day of the class. Saturday 6/29 class will start at 9am and end at 6pm (lunch will be on your own and students are encouraged to bring it with you) Sunday 6/30 class will start at 12:30pm and end at 5pm with testing to follow. Class size will be limited to 10 students. To register for the class use the button below. To pay for the class use the PayPal Donation Button on the club membership tab. Contact for more information. Posted 5/23/2024.
The May 16th club meeting was well attended. NI0R was installed as the new club Treasurer. Progress has been made for the DStar repeater. Openhouse to be held on May 25th. Stay tuned for the dates and sign up to take the Techician class towards the end of June! W0RXO is now a SK and his XYL is asking for help in getting rid of his ham gear. Check out the for sale section. We are also going to assist some special needs boy scouts in earning their Radio merit badage. Next club meeting is 06/20/24 Posted 5/17/2024.
The April 18th meeting was a good one. We have had a change in officers and will be conducting techician level classes. Check back for more information. We are holding an open house on May 25th to recruit new mmbers. After the meeting NI0R put on a great presentation on WinLink. The next meeting will be on May 16th Posted 4/19/2024.
The March meeting was well attended. The presentation was on Ham Shack Hotline. The club station has a Ham Shack Hotline phone (6100002645) and a Ham Shack Hotline RF bridge to the digital side of the repeater (94191) A club member donated some very nice radio gear to the club. The club is selling it to raise funds for a tower site lease. What's for sale was sent to members via email. Next monthly meeting is April 18th 2024, NI0R will do a presentation on WinLink. Posted 3/21/2024.
Click Button to see a map of the Mosaic Life Care Campus. Park in parking lot E and enter through door # 5. There will be a MVARC sign on the door. Also talk in will be on the W0NH repeater. If the door is closed, knock or give a shout on the repeater. Posted 9/26/2023
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